Inspirational Presentation Masterclass

One day

The secrets of powerful and memorable presentations unlocked

This one-day training works on the whole person, showing you how to think clearly and how to convey your ideas effectively. It is different from other courses: it draws on both the special techniques that professional actors use to keep their audiences enthralled, and powerful tools that will make you stand out in the business world.

Ken and his team not only understand how to inspire audiences – they can help you make your speeches and presentations persuasive, memorable and inspiring. You will learn how to structure a presentation for maximum impact and rapport, and how to strengthen your voice, body language and stage presence. Through video recordings, exercises and individual feedback, you’ll have enough practice to be able to apply your new skills in the workplace immediately.

Delivered by two trainers (including Ken), the training is customised to suit the specific needs of you and your organisation. Whatever stage you’re at, it will help you step up to a higher level to project your new authentic style with confidence and natural authority.

Key focus

  • Learn how structure your information quickly and efficiently
  • Learn how to deal with nerves
  • Improve your use of language, voice and body
  • Learn how to deliver a message with confidence, clarity and authority
  • Use PowerPoint effectively to support your presentation rather than drown it
  • Look your audience in the eye (whether five or 500 people) with confidence
  • Project a more animated, charismatic personality
  • Create a strong rapport with your audience
  • Give a personal, individual style to your presentations
  • Bring impact to your language
  • Heighten your personal presence


Part One: Where you are

Setting the aims and objectives

Application to all messages – meetings, video conferences, networking events, etc.

Finding your authentic style

    Individually give a mini presentation

    Video record and playback with feedback


      Setting goals in what you would like to develop

        Part Two: Content and structure

        Effective content

        What makes it easier for the audience to assimilate your message?

        What to include. What to leave out

        Involving your audience

        Making it memorable


          Defining your purpose and aligning with the audience’s needs and interests

          Planning your presentation


            Overall structure of the presentation

            Different structures for different purposes: four models

            Sustaining interest

            Dramatic tension

            Establishing rapport


              Stories as proof of values

              Formulating company values

                The science behind stories

                Why they are memorable

                Types of story

                When to use them, when not to use them

                Story structure: three models

                Bringing your story to life

                How to source and create stories

                  Part Three: Delivering to connect

                  Body and voice

                  Achieving relaxation and positive body language

                  Building vocal strength and clarity

                  Focusing your energy

                  Finding ownership of your message

                    Part Four: Inspiring your audience


                    Jargon versus plain English

                    Using rhetorical devices to make your message memorable


                      Creating the right mindset to enhance your presence

                      Being centred and grounded

                        Natural authority

                        Projecting effortless authority and confidence. Building rapport

                          Connection and objectives

                          Focusing the message

                            Finding your authentic style

                            Identifying your personal style

                            Adapting to different audiences

                              Part Five: Putting it all together

                              Summary of principles

                              Checklist: purpose, structure, audience, objective, language, story

                              Structuring and practising your mini presentation

                                Presenting to the whole group

                                Video recording and feedback

                                Action plan


                                  Contact us for further information on developing your presentation skills.